Monday, February 06, 2006

Jason Atkinson: The End of the Trail

We are beginning to see our conservative Oregon brothers and sisters lose interest in the fad that was Jason Atkinson for governor. It was not unexpected, for most people could see that this was merely a feel good effort. Bloggers for Atkinson, nothing like a good old fashioned grass roots campaign to draw in the crowd. Americans love rooting for an underdog and for conservative Oregonians they had it all in Jason Atkinson. He was the ideal poster boy. Youthful, photogenic and Christian. Heck, this dude was a skier and a cyclist and best of all, he is caucasian.

But as election time looms on the horizon, people are beginning to see that he doesn't stand a chance and they are now getting ready to cast their votes for a candidate with better odds of victory. I have already noticed that many bloggers have removed the Atkinson for Governor button from their sites and you are starting to see former supporters offer up lame excuses as to why they no longer support him.

No worries though, you had fun for a while but now the ride is over.


At 2/09/2006 4:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow - Kevin Mannix, you have your own blog now. That is so nice.

At 2/09/2006 5:42 PM, Blogger Daniel said...

It had nothing to do with being a fad. Some people stopped supporting him because of his position on the guest worker program.

At 2/09/2006 6:41 PM, Blogger I am Coyote said...

Actually only a few very very narrow issue folks made the switch.

One? Two? And that was after Mr. Bombastic went bizzarro on the radio the other day. So full steam ahead.

Sorry to burst yer bubble and all.

Actually when you think of it Atkisnon still, far and away, exceeds the internet grassroots support of any candidate in the race.

So we feel pretty comfortable with the way things are going and hope you appreciate the sudden boost in traffic that yer little corner of the leftosphere has enjoyed from your erroneous analysis.

yer welcome.

yip yip

At 2/09/2006 7:44 PM, Blogger The Cheezer said...

I only know 1 individual that removed the Atkinson button from his blog.
And at this time, has yet to remove his support.
As for the Blogger community, we are here and strong and will continue to support the Senator.

At 2/09/2006 8:37 PM, Blogger Jim in KFalls said...

Mr. Viddy
Can't help but smile at the gross ignorance on your part. Judging from the gloom and doom posts you've got going on, your perception of the grass roots leaving the Atkinson campaign must look like color in your otherwise black and white world.

The truth however is it caused his supporters to research the issues further and make our own opinions - and after "Mr. Bombastic" went off, not many (if any) really have decided to jump ship on this issue.

So reflect, repent, and try again.

At 2/10/2006 11:14 AM, Blogger MAX Redline said...

LOL! You're a scream, small death!

As I've noted on my blog, the switch to another candidate by a radio talk-show host is actually likely to work in favor of Atkinson.

You've got to be able to look at the larger picture - though I imagine that's hard for you to do when your pupils are dilated down to mere pinpoints.

You ought to slack off on whatever it is you've been taking.

At 2/10/2006 11:20 AM, Blogger Mr. Viddy said...

Thank you for all of the support and feedback.


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