Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Christmas Day Suicide In The Pacific Northwest

It happened on Camano Island in Washington state. Richard Payne, a 52 year old disabled man who was living alone on family owned property was trapped when high winds from a Christmas Day storm knocked a tree down onto his trailer. Although the injuries resulting from the tree falling on him were not life threatening, it appears that Mr. Payne chose to take his own life. Perhaps he felt as though there was no means of escape or hope for rescue, as he lived on a remote part of the island with no nearby neighbors nor was there a phone in his trailer. This is tragic, that someone died alone on Christmas Day, and although we will never know what was going through Richard Payne's mind at the time, he did not leave a suicide note, it must have been thoughts of despair due to his predicament. You can read the source article here---> Man, trapped by fallen tree, kills himself


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