Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The GOP, Jason Atkinson and November

The writing is on the wall and Oregonians across the state are started to rally around their candidates and cut ties to those who do not have a fighting chance. Golden boy, Jason Atkinson continues to lose support for his campaign for governor as Republicans begin aligning themselves with front runners such as Ron Saxton and Kevin Mannix. Mannix and Saxton are Oregon juggernauts in the political arena and young Mr. Atkinson needs a few more years of development down in the minor leagues before he will ever stand a real chance of winning the big ticket.

But even with all the hype and spin being tossed out for Kevin Mannix and Ron Saxton, the GOP realizes that November will not be a victorious time for them. Not all is rosey in the Democratic scene either. Incumbent, Ted Kulongoski has not done much for the state of Oregon and November may see a changing of the guard with Pete Sorenson gaining a lot of support from throughout the state.

I think that if Jason Atkinson is serious about wanting to lead the state then I'd say look out for this young fireball in about 8 years. By that time he will have some real experience and knowledge to bring to Salem instead of just youthful exuberance. And Jason, one word of advice. Next time around skip the Blogger for Atkinson idea. Have you seen some of the nut jobs who are supporting you? Scary!


At 2/09/2006 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, since you are commenting on our blogs, you are obviously reading us "nut jobs." Did you know anything about Jason before you started reading about him on our blogs?

Oh, and by the way, Jason didn't create us, ask for us, or in any way organize us. We did this all ourselves because we like the guy.


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