Saturday, March 11, 2006

The Filthy Rich Beggars: A Tale of Woe?

What is the deal with filthy rich people and their inability to pay their bills? I'm just a working class stiff but somehow on my meager salary I manage to get my bills paid and put food on the table. But just recently I've seen the news regarding Michael Jackson, who has somehow failed to keep up on paying his Neverland Ranch employees and of course here in Portland we have that janky ass Paul Allen crying about not being able to maintain the Blazers.

Okay, maybe in Jacko's case we can understand, the poor guy probably is a little strapped for cash due to his legal battles and having to pay hush money to little boys. But give me a break, I'm sure he has plenty of assets hidden away that he could tap into in order to pay the bills. Little Paulie is another thing altogether. He is the sixth richest man in the world. I never want to hear him complain or make excuses for needing financial assistance from anyone. I'm tired of you, Paul Allen, please move or sell the team and get the hell out of town. Go tell your sob stories to someone who cares.

You people are filthy rich slobs, so pay your bills and be responsible like the rest of us.


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