Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Ignore The Recent Polls, George W. Does Have A Plan

Once again the pollsters have taken to the streets to in an effort to gauge public opinion regarding the Bush administration and the U.S. strategy in Iraq. The latest numbers show people having wavering confidence in our ability to stabilize Iraq and many people feel that Iraq is headed towards a civil war. But what do we know? We are just the common man and woman on the street and most of us lack a background in politics and foreign policy.

We need to have faith in our leaders. They are altruistically serving our needs and ask for nothing in return except for blind obedience and our continued support at the polls come reelection time. It's not a bad deal so why do the recent polls show a lack of support for Bush?

He has a clear cut strategy for Iraq and for the nation in general. Sleight of hand. Why waste precious time formulating policies and strategies when it is far easier to resort to misdirection? You think civil war is looming in Iraq, well why don't we talk about a plan to address illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is a concern to you, well let's talk about a plan to become independent from foreign oil. You have something else that is bothering you, well don't worry about it because the president is hard at work thinking of ideas to fix it. Just don't ask for details.

As the saying goes, the devil is in the details.


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