George Bush: Mission Accomplished

It was May 1, 2003 and just after a dramatic entrance via carrier landing aboard the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln that our dear leader, W, gave his infamous speech declaring the end to major combat operations in Iraq. Mission Accomplished. Amen brother.
Fast forward to today, March 1, 2006. I am certain that the 26 people killed in Iraq today and all of the previous dead and wounded from May 1, 2003 up until the present were all victims of minor combat operations or perhaps they were simply the victims of bad luck but most importantly, they were not casualties resulting from major combat operations. After all, we won. These reports of escalating violence and possible civil war in Iraq must be fabrications of the left-leaning media who are out to get W and the Republican Party. Damn lefties and Democrats, always starting trouble and spreading lies. W would not have declared an end to major action in Iraq if the country itself were not stable and secure, would he? And how many of us have personally set foot in Iraq since May of 2003? I know I have not been over there so I cannot honestly say I have witnessed any widespread violence or death in Iraq.
If W says the mission has been accomplished, then gosh dang it, I am going to believe him and give him my full support.
Or not.
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