Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Preparing For A Terrorist Attack

Lately I have been hearing these PSA's featuring various public officials talking about how every family should be prepared for a terrorist attack. Quite frankly, I am getting very annoyed by these messages. I am sorry folks but I refuse to buy into this culture of fear that the Bush administration has tried to propagate.

I will concede that there is always a possibility that there may one day be another attack on U.S. soil by terrorists but quite frankly I am betting that such an attack is slim at best. Do you want to know how I prepare for another terrorist attack? I live my life the same as I always have. By not buying into the paranoia I am dealing a crippling blow to any terrorist organization because I refuse to live in fear.

I am more worried of becoming the victim of a mugging or home invasion than I am of becoming the victim of a terrorist attack. I am also terrified of going to the gas station these days but you do not hear any PSA's addressing these issues. No, it is far easier to try and distract the public with these Chicken Little stories of the terrorist threat.

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