The Cold Weather Commute
Yesterday marked the coldest temperature at which I have ever biked in. It was 18 degrees outside at 6:30 in the morning. The night before I had been a little apprehensive but still confident that it would not be so bad. And it wasn't. I love riding in cold weather, it is quite invigorating as long as you are properly dressed.
I have been in cold climates before but had never ridden in extremely cold weather. In Portland, Oregon there had been a couple of times when we were hit with ice storms but on those days I had walked or driven to work. It was surprising to find out just how cold it can get here in Albuquerque.
The roads were a bit icy so I took it easy on the speed, riding to work at 14 mph but it only took an extra five minutes longer than normal. I wasn't alone, there were a couple of other hardcore cyclists that I passed along the way. It is still pretty chilly today so I may have another cold commute on the way home tonight but I am definitely looking forward to it.
Tagged For: Cycling * Cold Weather * Commuting
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