The Care and Feeding of Gossip
People, I never say anything that I am not willing to repeat verbatim if it gets back to someone else. That being said, I learned this weekend that we have a chatty Kathy at work who loves to take what someone has said quite openly and run to other people and repeat those words but with her own little twist. Chatty Kathy is obviously well versed in the art of caring for, and feeding gossip.
The only problem was the gossip she was spreading was not gossip but rather a twisted version of a statement I had made to my subordinates regarding the possibility of working overtime. Even worse, the person she chose to spread this gossip to was in no position to be asked to work overtime. It went from being gossip to telling outright lies which a gifted gossiper should never have to do. Such is life. At least we have identified another weak link in the organization and can keep an eye on her.
Tagged For: Gossip * People * Relationships
Give her the ban-hammer. :>
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