Monday, December 19, 2005

The War On Terror: Eternal Combat

George W. Bush made the following statement in response to the recent story regarding the National Security Agency spying on Americans, "It was a shameful act for someone to disclose this important program in a time of war."

Mr. President, if nothing else can ever be said about you nobody can ever deny that you are clever. Read clever, not intelligent because the two are not the same. You were brilliant in declaring a war on terrorism as opposed to declaring war on specific groups or nations that are involved in terrorism. Terrorism is not a tangible object but an action resulting from a belief system and as such, the beliefs that cause individuals to resort to terrorism can change over time so that in effect, terrorism will always exist. So the war will always exist. It is not unlike the neverending war in Orwell's novel, 1984.

Bush continues to use the ongoing war to justify whatever whim he might be having, as shown in the above statement he made regarding the NSA spying scandal. All of his actions can be justified because this is a time of war, or we are in a state of war or whatever ignorant statement he uses while referencing the war on terror. The eternal struggle of righteousness or evil.

Another job well done Mr. Bush.


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