Thursday, January 19, 2006

Google Just Says No To Latest Bush Fiasco

Mr. Bush and his sycophantic cronies are at it again. This time under the benevolent guise of protecting children from online pornography, the federal government is attempting to coerce Google into giving up 1 million random web addresses and related Google search records.

Now if you are the typical ignorant conservative who blindly follows Bush then I suppose there is nothing unreasonable here. Mr. Bush just wants to protect the children. Or maybe this is another step by the Bush administration towards making invasion of privacy a more acceptable form of behavior. After all Bush and his right-wingers have pointed out numerous times that we are not constitutionally entitled to privacy.

What is pathetic is the fact that this administration does not have the courage to just come right out and tell the American people what the real agenda is. If you truly believe that invasion of privacy, restricting freedoms and bending the laws to suit your needs are legitimate ways to protect this country then come out and say that.

You don't want to have access to Google records to pass an internet child protection law, you want the records so you can set a precedent so that in the future you can force other businesses and individuals to divulge confidential customer information. So just say what you mean and we'll let the public decide if they truly support your ideology.


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