Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Possible Nerve/Chemical Agent Detected In Senate Building

Why can't CNN just wait to see what develops in the suspected Nerve/Chemical agent situation happening in Washington D.C.? You have all these people tossing out theories and heresay about what is going on rather than just moving on to other stories and waiting until some real facts emerge. Certainly they did a good job of bringing the story to our attention in a rapid fashion but all we can do now is wait and see.

Paula Zahn keeps giving conflicting statements, talking about all the confusion but she is adding to the confusion. Let's not rush to conclusions. We'll have to wait and see. Just the facts ma'am.


At 2/08/2006 7:31 PM, Blogger Barkernews said...

Because Larry King probably already dumped his guest and needed to fill.


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