Thursday, May 04, 2006

"Crazy" Joe Arpaio On The Warpath, Again

Once again, Maricopa County Sheriff "Crazy" Joe Arpaio is out to grab some headlines. This time he is putting together a posse to hunt down and arrest any illegal immigrants foolish enough to wander into the Phoenix area. "Crazy" Joe is going to accomplish this feat thanks in part to the Maricopa County attorney who has chosen to interpret a law aimed at prosecuting people who smuggle illegal immigrants into this country. Once again we see the legal system being bastardized in order to suit the needs of one, attention hungry individual.

Any illegal caught by the posse will be prosecuted for conspiracy to smuggle themselves into the country. As if there is not enough real crime in Maricopa County now the sheriff wants to waste tax dollars and jail space rounding up people, who for the most part are not vicious criminals. I am not a supporter of illegal immigrants but I have to say that I am also not a supporter of prosecuting individuals just because the local sheriff is an attention whore.

And let us not forget one little detail. It is the federal government that is responsible for controlling illegal immigration. "Crazy" Joe, you crazy bastard, it appears that you have spent too much time out in the desert heat. Perhaps it is time for the citizens of Maricopa County to put you out to pasture.

Check out this story from MSNBC: Phoenix posse targets...

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