Duke Lacrosse Scandal: Stick To The Facts (Part 2)
It appears the the alleged gang rape of a black stripper by three Duke University lacrosse players in April of this year is a sham that has been perpetrated by Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong in an attempt to drum up publicity for his political future. The investigation into this alleged crime has yet to turn up any credible evidence showing that the woman in question was ever raped.
There has been nothing but inconsistent statements by both of the strippers who were at the party, sloppy police work and an obvious attempt by the prosecution to play the race card in order to draw attention to this case. In the mean time, the three accused players have suffered irreparable damage to their reputations even though a person is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty.
As I have said before, if this had been a white stripper accusing three white men of rape this case would not have received the national, front page exposure that it has. Mike Nifong should be ashamed of himself and the citizens of Durham should be outraged by the highly questionable actions of this individual.
Tagged For: Crime * Duke Lacrosse * Rape