Sunday, June 25, 2006

Today's White Trash Moment

It's 7:30am this morning and I have just walked out of the Smith's store on Constitution and Carlisle in Albuquerque. I am standing at the bike rack at the main entrance when I hear the store alarm go off. And what do I see? Running out the door is this pudgy white dude in jeans and an old white t-shirt carrying several items, among them was two 40 oz. bottles of some sort of cheap malt liquor. (Old 8 perhaps?) He ran across the parking lot, tossed everything into the open window of the car to his passenger and sped off. Two store employees ran after him, and even though they did not catch this idiot they did get his complete license number off his car.

I'm thinking to myself, what kind of idiot is so desperate and stupid that he risks going to jail for a couple of bottles of cheap ass malt liquor? They have your face on the security tapes and they have your license number and vehicle description. Eventually APD is going to be calling on you and hopefully you'll do some time. Not just for stealing but for being such a stupid asshole.

I never personally witnessed such behavior when I was in Portland even though I heard about it quite a bit, and now I have seen it firsthand.

It's incredible what you can see this early in the morning. Hey dude, hope it was worth it.

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Saturday, June 24, 2006

I'll Buy That For A Dollar

So a deputy in Bremerton, Washington claims that he was trying to reach for his taser but instead drew his pistol and shot a man who was up a tree. The excuse was that the taser was similar in shape to the deputy's pistol. Let us also forget the fact that most law enforcement officers carry their pistols and tasers in different locations. The deputy is a five year veteran of the force but for some reason, I assume the stress of dealing with an unarmed man in a tree, he was unable to tell the difference between his lethal and less than lethal weapons.

Here is the original story: Deputy Has Barney Fife Moment...

Alrighty, my hats off to the highly trained law enforcement professionals in Bremerton.

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Saturday, June 17, 2006

Was Al Qaeda Going To Pass Gas On The Subway?

If you believe that Al Qaeda went through all the trouble to train, infiltrate the United States and acquire the cyanide gas just to call off the operation then you are about as smart as the current president. The latest story regarding an alleged plot in 2003 to launch an attack in the New York subway system is pure fantasy at best and smells of the type of propaganda that the current administration loves to leak out. It is about as likely a story as Al Qaeda planning an attack on the MAX in Portland or the Rapid Ride here in the Duke City.

The full story can be found here (warning: the bullshit is deep so wear boots) Al Qaeda Gets Gassy

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Friday, June 16, 2006

"Bloody" Mary Winkler: The Mystery Continues

The rumor mill is running at full speed speculating as to what the motive was behind the brutal murder of Matthew Winkler at the hands of his wife, the now infamous "Bloody" Mary Winkler.

Many of "Bloody" Mary's supporters are trying to spin that she was being abused by Matthew Winkler but I submit to you that this is hard to believe, after all she was got far away from her home with her children. Which means that she was able to travel and therefore could have walked away from her husband instead of brutally slaying him. Police and prosecutors state that "Bloody" Mary has given them a statement with a motive but they are refusing to release this information.

I believe that in time we will learn that this was a love triangle and "Bloody" Mary killed her husband in order to be with another man. Whether or not this other man had anything to do with the killing I cannot say. Keep in mind, this is just my opinion and I could be wrong but I do not think I am.

We will just have to see what transpires during her trial, the truth will eventually be brought to light and then we will know the real story behind the butcher that is now known as "Bloody" Mary Winkler.

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Déjà vu

If you have never experienced this for yourself, check it out. Click Here

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Sunday, June 11, 2006

Living In America

Isotopes Park 0601, originally uploaded by Mr. Viddy.

Yesterday was a perfect summer day. Mr. Viddy and the kids enjoyed a nice game of baseball at Isotopes Park. Yes, the Isotopes. The same ball club that was formerly located in Springfield on The Simpsons.

Isotopes Park is the second minor league ballpark I have been to and it is every bit as nice as PGE Park in Portland. However, the Albuquerque Isotopes are a little better than the Portland Beavers.

Even though our Isotopes lost to the Memphis Redbirds it was a close game and when it was all over we were treated to a fireworks show right at the ballpark.

America, isn't it great!

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Wednesday, June 07, 2006

I Am Viddy

Coast to coast and around the world, I am the true Viddy. Call me Mr. Viddy. I am the prototypical underachiever, so much so that I do not even know what prototypical means and I am too lazy to Google it. Sure, I am a loser with the chicks but then again, so are most guys. I have been known to drink to the point of vomiting but I am kind to small animals and some homeless people.

So don't forget, come November vote for Mr. Viddy. The people's person.

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Sunday, June 04, 2006


This posting has been removed due to bizarre circumstances.

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Saturday, June 03, 2006


It's time to do or die, if you can't stand the heat get the fuck out of the kitchen. That's right, summer is upon me. My first summer in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The temperatures are beginning to creep up into the 90's which is quite a change from back in Oregon. Sure, it is a dry heat but after seven years of living in the Pacific Northwest it is taking some getting used to. Today I noticed on that there was a 20 degree difference in temperature between here and Beaverton.

I am not complaining though because in my new town I can bicycle nearly 365 days a year in decent weather, and I have been taking advantage of it. I bike to and from work every day which is something I could not do in Oregon. Don't get me wrong, the Portland metro area is beautiful and I just needed a change.

Tomorrow will be in the high 90's again. Perfect weather for a little crotch pot cooking.

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