Friday, September 15, 2006

Duane "Dog" Chapman Arrested

So most of America has heard of the recent arrest of Duane "Dog" Chapman and how the Mexican government is demanding his extradition south of the border to face charges related to Dog's capture of convicted rapist Andrew Luster back in 2003.

All sorts of rumors and conspiracies are floating around as to the true nature of the Mexican's wanting Dog Chapman back.
Some people, including Dog himself, are claiming that he is being traded to Mexico in return for persons wanted by the United States government. Others simply question why, after three years, do the Mexican's now want Dog Chapman back to face charges?

I'm certain that in time all of this will play out in the media. But I am curious about one thing.

Duane "Dog" Chapman makes his living and has become a celebrity on cable TV by bringing fugitives and bail jumpers to justice so why has nobody made an issue out of the fact that Duane Chapman did exactly what those he chases does. He fled from authorities when he was originally arrested in Mexico. Isn't anyone going to state the facts here? He was arrested by Mexican authorities for what they say were legitimate charges and rather than staying and answering to those charges and clearing his name, Dog chose to run.

So before everyone gets on the Free The Dog bandwagon, just remember the entire series of events that transpired in the first place.

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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

300 Years and Still Alive

So yeah, 300 years and we're still standing. Not too bad for a city that most people cannot even spell. In your face.

Monday, September 11, 2006

The Care and Feeding of Gossip

People, I never say anything that I am not willing to repeat verbatim if it gets back to someone else. That being said, I learned this weekend that we have a chatty Kathy at work who loves to take what someone has said quite openly and run to other people and repeat those words but with her own little twist. Chatty Kathy is obviously well versed in the art of caring for, and feeding gossip.

The only problem was the gossip she was spreading was not gossip but rather a twisted version of a statement I had made to my subordinates regarding the possibility of working overtime. Even worse, the person she chose to spread this gossip to was in no position to be asked to work overtime. It went from being gossip to telling outright lies which a gifted gossiper should never have to do. Such is life. At least we have identified another weak link in the organization and can keep an eye on her.

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Sunday, September 03, 2006

The Blinding Light of Propaganda

The Associated Press ran a story today over on MSNBC stating that terror cases are being prosecuted at pre-9/11 levels. Very interesting considering that Mr. Bush continues to talk about the necessity to continue on with the war in Iraq and how we must continue to distance ourselves from the rest of the world as we pursue this seemingly fruitless war on terror.

Several key sycophants in the government chimed in to explain the reason why so few cases are being prosecuted but perhaps it was Meredith Fuchs, general counsel at the National Security Archive at George Washington University who said it best. She was quoted as saying, "The surge right after 9/11 makes sense, but the drop-off so quickly means either a lot of that post-9/11 activity was not necessary or that they haven't identified key people or that key people in custody aren't being prosecuted."

Very interesting. So we have three possible reasons for this:

1. The Bush administration moved quickly to stir the public into a state of panic and fear so that he could further his own personal agenda in Iraq and the middle east.

2. The Bush administration employs a lot of yes men and women who are inept and unable to gather the intelligence necessary to locate the key people involved in terror plots against the United States.

3. The Bush administration was so gung-ho to justify the war on terror that many of the key people may have been captured but due to the fact that they were tortured it would now be difficult to bring them to the United States to be prosecuted.

Folks, no matter how you slice it, that good old boy in the White House fucked up on so many different levels that now, we as a nation are all caught up in a giant cluster fuck. Let's start looking to the next century, this one needs to be written off as a giant loss.

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Saturday, September 02, 2006

The Ignorance and the Irony

This photo was taken on the bike path leading to the University of New Mexico, most likely the work of a dumb, bored kid. The ironic thing is that it is located about one hundred feet from the photo below.

This building appears to be some sort of incinerator and I am wondering if it had any influence on the graffiti photo at the top of this post. Seeing a swastika is a little odd here in Albuquerque seeing as though we have a pretty diverse population not unlike when I lived in Portland, Oregon which is very white.

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