Thursday, December 29, 2005

Spoiled Little Rich Boy In Iraq

If any of you have heard the recent story about the Florida teen who ran off to Iraq during his Christmas break from prep school please do not be impressed. This all ocurred precisely because he is an overindulged and highly protected little snob who got it in his mind that he was some sort of ambassador to the world who could undertake a foolish task like this without any problems. The kid is an idiot, plain and simple. He had a pocket full of cash from mommy and daddy and too much free time. You have to be rich to think the way this little snob did.

Oh yeah, I'll just fly into one of the most dangerous places for any American to be at the moment, without any support system or understanding of the language and then I'll just tool around because I am rich and my parents will bail me out of any trouble I might land in.

I truly hope they don't do a follow up to this fiasco praising this kid. He should be grounded for good and sent to public school.


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