Thursday, January 12, 2006

A Moderate Oregonian And His Opinion Regarding Samuel Alito

Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito states he would emulate certain traits of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor who he would be replacing on the bench. Normally I am extremely suspicious of anyone George W. would support but in this instance I feel that Sam Alito is being sincere and that he would be fair and open-minded when deciding cases from the bench of the Supreme Court.

In doing my own research on his past rulings I could not really find that he has done anything other than approach each case and make rulings according to the law. Unlike a lot of what has been said about Mr. Alito, I have not seen an instance wherein his personal beliefs influenced a judgment. Of course we are all influenced at least a little bit by our own personal beliefs but for the most part I do not see Samuel Alito as being a Supreme Court Justice who will letting his own emotions cloud his judgments.

As hard as it is to believe, every once in a while someone comes along who meets with George W.'s approval who is not a complete idiot or sycophant.


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