Sunday, January 15, 2006

The Real ID Act: Showing Us That Freedom Is An Outdated Concept

I want to thank all of our elected representatives who helped make the pending creation of what will be a national ID card and database a reality. Thank you for playing to the fears of the American people. Thank you for hiding this legislation within a spending bill for the Iraq war so that it would quietly pass into law.

The quick and easy explanation of the Real ID Act is that it directs the Department of Homeland Security to create a set of standards for all driver's licenses and state-issued i.d. cards to include linking all of this information from all 50 states into a nationwide database supposedly to make it more difficult for terrorists to obtain valid identification in this country. Any state not complying with this act will find that it's residents will be unable to board a plane or enter a federal building.

Personally, I find it hard to believe that the federal government can be so totally clueless when it comes to the job of combating terrorism. Do you really think that a determined terrorist group who really wanted to attack the United States is going to be stopped just because they are unable to obtain a driver's license? Hell no. This is just another piece of legislation that strips away another level of freedom for American citizens. By using scare tactics and playing to the fears we may have about another terrorist attack, the federal government moves another step closer in it's ability to keep a sharp eye on the American people.

So now the government is going to get a national ID card and database but of course it is not being referred to as a national ID card system it is just coincidental that every state must meet with the federal guidelines and the database with everyone's info, that is just there to help nab the terrorists. So an Oregon ID will still have the state seal just like California ID will have that state's seal and the database itself will never be used to keep tabs on everyday people just the terrorists. And we will all be complacent and accept the simple explanations and be lulled into submission and when the federal government says that in order to further combat terrorism within our borders it will create legislation restricting travel between states or maybe even travel between cities within a state unless you obtain travel documents, what then?

The September 11th attacks were a tragedy but they cannot be used to remake the United States into a nation under constant surveillance. On March 23, 1775 Patrick Henry made the speach which included the famous quote, "
Give me liberty or give me death." The point he was trying to make is that with freedom comes risk but death is far better than surrendering our freedoms and liberties to oppression.


At 1/16/2006 9:10 PM, Blogger Heather said...

Freaking right ON! GREAT POST!
sorry to shout, it's just damn exciting to find that Portland does have some really cool thinkers. I'll be back...great blog.

At 1/17/2006 11:01 AM, Blogger Mr. Viddy said...

Mr. Viddy truly appreciates your support.


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