Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Getting High With Bush and Cheney

I was sitting around today just relaxing, watching some TV and surfing the internet when I got to thinking about life in the United States and just how crazy we all are. When you get to thinking about the situation in Iraq and this so called war on terror it makes you wonder about the big picture.

It can be debated whether or not Iraq had weapons of mass destruction or whether or not they had a hand in training and supporting the 9/11 terrorists. Some will say Iraq posed no danger to us and that Bush was following a personal agenda. We can talk all day about bringing democracy to a region that historically has never cared about giving rights to the individual citizen and those same citizens have never much cared to have freedoms and choices like in America.

So you see, we can talk in circles all day long about Iraq and terrorism and people will always be divided over these issues. What cannot be debated is the nearly half a trillion dollar defense budget that is going to support these issues.

We will continue to pour billions of dollars a year into a region that may or may not become stable. And it is still debatable as to whether or not the future governments in those region will choose to ally themselves with the United States. Billions of dollars are being gambled away and there is not a single person who can honestly say that this money will end up being well spent.

Speaking just for myself, I never believed that Iraq posed a direct threat to the United States. Saddam Hussein was an evil ruler and he did commit many atrocities during his reign, I do not dispute that. But I do not believe he would have presented a serious threat to mainland USA. I also believe that by invading Iraq like we did, we succeeded in destabilizing the entire region and as a result of the invasion we now face serious threats in the future. Prior to the invasion, prior to 9/11 and before this bullshit war on terror began our country faced very real dangers in the form of illegal street drugs. Coke, crack, heroin and meth just to name a few. The majority of illegal drugs are grown and manufactured outside of the United States.

Stop, don't point to the news stories about the busting up of meth labs or burning of a large marijuana crop. These are small scale operations that have been destroyed. The bulk of the drugs are coming from foreign countries. So please tell me why we can spend billions of dollars to overthrow sovereign nations like Iraq and Afghanistan under the guise of stopping terrorism but we have been so impotent when it comes to stopping the flow of illegal drugs into the U.S.? Illegal drugs most definitely generate large profits for both foreign and domestic criminal gangs. Gangs who in turn wreak terror on the civilian population both in large cities and small towns right here in America.

It is a very real threat to the safety and security of our citizens but you do not see the Army and Marines invading Columbia or Bolivia or even eradicating poppy crops in Afghanistan. If we took direct military action against foreign drug cartels and their growers we would no doubt wipe them out with little effort and possibly far fewer casualties than we are seeing in Iraq.

Why does the government choose to pursue agendas in which there is no guarantee in final victory but they can turn a blind eye to the illegal drug problem? Are Bush and Cheney trying to tell us something? Perhaps they are just a couple of real cool dudes who want us all just to go out and catch a nice buzz.


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