Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Isaac Hayes Stands Up For Scientology

Sorry folks, the voice of beloved South Park character Chef, Isaac Hayes, has called it quits. It seems that Mr. Hayes can no longer tolerate the disrespect that South Park shows towards religion. Or rather, he has been ordered by his masters in the Church of Scientology to disavow South Park because the show took aim at Scientology in a top-rated show last season.

It seems incredibly odd that South Park has mocked every major religion but it wasn't until the Church of Scientology was targeted that Mr. Hayes decided to speak up.
So now the time has come for Isaac Hayes to step up and take his place as a lap dog for the puppet masters who pull the strings within the Church of Scientology.

Isaac, your star faded long ago and South Park was allowing you at least some semblance of a career but now you'll quickly fade from memory. It was nice knowing you. Isaac who?


At 3/15/2006 4:19 PM, Blogger Jane D. said...

idiots abound.


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