Saturday, March 18, 2006

In Portland, They Protest

It is your right to gather in public and protest against the government and it's policies but come on, we all know that the majority of people who attend any of Portland's protests are just posing phonies with too much free time on their hands. A rather large collection of apathetic losers carrying signs and chanting and not one of them could explain, in a coherent fashion, just what it is they are protesting against.

Someone told them about a protest and a rather dim light went off inside that dusty little head of theirs and they thought, "wow, cool." Even worse than the vapid protesters are the seedy little punks who join in with the protesters and look for ways to cause mayhem and vandalism.

There you have it. I am not nor would I ever attempt to prevent anyone from gathering in public but I do have my opinion based on what I have seen in the past. It would be refreshing for once to see a group that was organized and educated on the issues and not just a bunch of self-important idiots making a scene.

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At 3/19/2006 4:26 PM, Blogger my pants said...

I would have been at the protest today, but have selfish (study) reasons for not attending

I really believe in protest

Can't say I agree with your opinion about protest

I've thrown a few right-wingers to the floor with educated debate... and I protest... don't be so quick to stereotype or divide... we're all in this together!

At 3/19/2006 4:33 PM, Blogger Mr. Viddy said...

Hey now momma, I said I acknowledged a person's right to protest even if I did not agree. I never meant to imply that they should be prevented from protesting. So I hope we have that all cleared up because I want to be on the good side of a little hottie with a body like you!

At 3/20/2006 3:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ick. Like we don't already know Viddy is a perv.

At 3/20/2006 3:44 PM, Blogger Mr. Viddy said...

I never said anything about the President being a pervert.


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