Friday, March 17, 2006

PETA To Assist With Aerial Tram Project

Sometimes you have to admit defeat and turn the reigns over to someone better able to handle a crisis situation. Now is the time Portland, call in PETA.

When will it end? When will someone with some authority in the matter take the white elephant a.k.a. OHSU Aerial Tram Project and put it out of it's misery? This project is headed down a one way road to failure and there is no turning back but hopefully the Mayor will be able to shoot out the tires and nip this thing in the bud before the city sees it's resources and coffers drained.

The tram was a nice idea but the fact of the matter is that no one seems to have a clue as to how to get this project completed in a reasonable manner. Throwing tens of millions of dollars into this money pit is ridiculous. Maybe they should mothball the tram project until some point in the future when steel prices have dropped and there is an infrastructure in place that can work together to see this project through to completion.

Until then, the white elephant should be put down. It is the only humane thing to do, both for it and the people of Portland. Someone call PETA, elephant abuse!


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