Duke Lacrosse Scandal: Stick To The Facts
The Duke Lacrosse team is headlining across the country as the stars of the latest scandal of the week. Was a crime committed? Depending on who you ask the answer will vary from person to person. I do not think that the media or the public are in full possession of all the facts and all that is really known at the moment is that a black stripper has accused several members of the team of raping her.
One thing is crystal clear. The race card is going to be played to the fullest in this scandal. Instead of this simply being a search for the truth, was a young woman raped, it will once again turn into a white victimizing a black thing. Once again America will fail to look at this possible crime for what it is, an act of violence, and instead sides will be chosen based on race and regardless of the verdict no justice will have been served. Instead we will use this as an excuse to remain a divided nation. And you had better believe that both the white camp and the black camp will be equally as guilty for doing so.
Why can't we just look at this as we should. It is alleged that a single mother of two who is a student but also making ends meet as a stripper was raped by several members of the Duke Lacrosse team. If the allegations are true then the perpetrators should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Rape is a violent and heinous crime and it leaves the victim traumatized long after the act is committed. And I would venture to guess that this trauma is just as severe regardless of your skin color. There is no excuse for rape, it does not matter if you are a stripper or if you work at Wal-Mart. Accordingly, it should not matter if the perpetrators are privileged white students or unemployed street thugs of color. If guilty, the punishment should be severe.
By pointing fingers and stirring racial hatred no justice is served and it won't undo what was done to the young lady. Rape occurs to women of all races and color, so please stop publishing headlines talking about how this crime has opened up old wounds for black women. This is not about race, it is about finding out if this crime did occur and if so, punishing the offenders. Plain and simple.
Tagged For: Rape * Crime *Duke Lacrosse
There is a simple way to end the racial hysteria surrounding the Duke Lacrosse team. Simply tell people it was El Duke,
not Duke players that were accused the rape of a white woman, and the same civil rights leaders who are lynching the Duke Players would lynch the racist DA.....
I can see it now, "racist DA perpetuates black rape myth." And of course the nails were planted by a racist cop, "If the nails don't clip you must acquit."
Dag gum it!
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