Mr. Bush Turns A Blind Eye To The South
President Bush has stated on many occasions that he is interested both in our national security and domestic prosperity yet he continues to ignore our southern border. I do not even want to touch upon issues of illegal immigration because nothing will ever stem the flow of it until our government decides to deal with the Mexican leadership.
It is my fervent belief that most of the individuals and families that pour across our southern border each year truly are looking for a better life and the opportunity to provide for their loved ones. And yes, among the harmless immigrants you are going to find some less savory characters but I do not believe that they are among the majority.
Building a wall, stationing armed troops along the border, massive immigration sweeps and amnesty programs are all lessons in futility. Some of the ideas like building walls are not realistic and even if the majority of illegal immigrants were to be caught and deported, there are millions of others still waiting to cross over and take their place. And who can blame them. They live in a country that is inept at best and has a history of being led by corrupt leaders at all level of government. It is a country without a future or rather it is a country whose people only see a future here in America.
Rather than spending billions of dollars in far off lands for military and political actions that will never benefit us as a nation, when will Washington wake up and realize that it would be in the best interests of the North American continent to focus on Mexico and Latin America. And I mean a genuine focus on developing the infrastructures of the nations south of us. We should be investing our energy into helping develop Mexico and the rest of Latin America into modern economies that can provide education, jobs, healthcare and other tangible benefits so that their citizens would have a reason to stay put and in doing so it would eventually stem the flow of illegal immigrants.
The other benefit to really trying to reach out to our neighbors to the south would be increased security for the entire North American continent. When you get past the language barrier and look at the people of Mexico and Latin America we are all remarkably alike. We share similar religious and moral beliefs, our views on family are about the same and many other traits are all very much the same. Unlike the middle east where we will never truly be able to integrate with that culture.
I'm sure not everyone will agree with me on this subject but mark my words, until we begin to take a serious interest in developing Mexico and Latin America we will never see a decrease in illegal immigration.
Tagged For: Politics * Illegal Immigration * Security
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