Sunday, May 07, 2006

Where Drunken Bums Live

Where Drunken Bums Live, originally uploaded by Mr. Viddy.

So I took this photo just after leaving the Century 14 theater in downtown Albuquerque. I had taken my daughters to see Ice Age 2 and we had a great time until.

You see, as we left the theater I took the photo and noticed that two cops, I think from the Sheriff's office because they were not wearing APD uniforms, rolled up on an obviously drunken man. I could see that they were asking for i.d. because the drunk was waving his wallet around in the air.

Anyhow, we walked past that scene heading up Central Avenue to the bus stop. Just as we were crossing under the freeway I look behind and see the same drunken dude walking up on me and my daughters.

So I thought to myself, fuck this is going to get ugly. I made the mistake of stopping at the bus stop hoping the drunk would pass us by. Nope, he stopped and proceeded to engage me in some drunken banter. Luckily after about five minutes the bus came and my daughters and I got on and left the drunk sitting on the corner.

Thankfully the situation did not escalate into something more serious. But what the fuck is the deal with cops? They took the time to hassle this dude earlier but they couldn't see fit to get him off the street? Isn't public drunkenness illegal here in Albuquerque.

This shit leaves a real bad taste in my mouth towards the cops. What if this guy had attacked me or my daughters? Not ten minutes earlier the cops had him and they chose to ignore the situation. And there was no mistaking that this guy was drunk. He could barely talk, he stunk of alcohol and he was all wobbly.

Thanks to the two officers who were to busy or inept to haul this guy in. Even if he wasn't a danger to me he was in no condition to be walking the streets.

Oh well, this falls on deaf ears. I guess as long as Mayor Marty, the Sheriff and the Chief of Police are safe then the rest of us can just fend for ourselves.

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At 5/07/2006 11:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

With all respect, I think it's your responsiblity first to protect yourself and your offspring. The coppers are for when all else fails, not as a first recourse. The cops can't be rounding up every tipsy vagrant or they'd have no time left to pursue the serious baddies or land their helicopters at Krispy Kreme. You're new here, IIRC. Get used to the notion of NM'ican manana and you'll have an easier time of it, I figger. Next time a bum tries to bum a fag of you or plumb your pockets, just tell them off, as politely as you feel warranted. Looking to the cops or the city just compounds the problem, as they are just another round of beggars when it comes down to it.


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