Thursday, March 23, 2006

Cyberslacking Is Not Unproductive

Some reports like to quote that employees who use the internet at work for leisure purposes contribute to an estimated $1 billion in lost productivity. My response to this. BULLSHIT!

During a typical 8 hour shift at work I estimate that I spend about 5 hours surfing the internet, blogging, shopping and other non-work related internet functions yet I consistently meet my goals and deadlines and have never had a bad performance review or faced disciplinary action due to my personal internet use on the company dime.

As a matter of fact, I feel that I would be less productive and more disgruntled if my employer ever dared to restrict my internet usage. Of course I would never view porn at work but beyond that, anything goes. So how can my cyberslacking be said to impede my performance at work? There are several people on my team who don't surf half as much as I do and they are far less productive. So I have to disagree that using the internet while at work contributes to a lack of productivity.

Poor leadership is the cause of this. Instead of scapegoating cyberspace, employers should take a long, hard look at their supervisors and managers and make sure that they are doing there jobs instead of wasting time and money on their long lunches and off-site meetings. Stop blaming the workers, we are here doing our best to increase profits. Let us have our fun and stay off our backs!

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